Friday, June 26, 2009

"A Spinsters Tale"

The Author most likely chose to write this story as a flashback because she is remembering events which effected and ultimately shaped her life into what it is today. She is reflecting on issues which at the time they were happening may have seemed irrelevent or un-important to her since she was a young girl but now that she is a grown woman she better understands the deeper meanings of those occurances and can better describe the impact they had on her.

The conflict that occurs most to me is man vs. self, and the character that manifests this is Mr. Speed. Mr. Speed is the town drunk and has obviously had events occur in his life that have pushed him into that lifestyle and his internal conflict is nummed by alcohol. Man vs. Man could also be argued for this story because of Elizabeths near obsession with Mr. Speed and what made him be the way that he was. This is more of a wanting to gain knowledge situation on Elizabeths part however and not really an actual conflict. Man vs. Nature is slightly present because of Elizabeths battle with her childhood environment which was heavily infiltrated and affected by alcohol whether it be Mr. Speed or her brother getting drunk it was a part of her everyday life.

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