Wednesday, June 10, 2009

The Veldt

Bradbury's story "The Veldt" is controversial because it brings up the conflict that since the industrial revolution we have faced of when is to much technology bad. Today we rely on machines and technology much more than our parents did and they relied on it much more than their parents did. If this trend continues where does it end, that is what this story asks. Not to mention that because we rely on this technology day in and day out we become very attatched to it and if anyone including our parents attempts to take it away from us it is a very difficult task. We become lazy when depending on technology constantly and begin to do little for ourselves and when this occurs we are truly as Bradbury so gracefuly put it "allowing technology to live for us."

There is also the obvious controversey that was brought up in the Beaverton School District article that the story is slightly disturbing since the ten year old children murder their parents for taking away their technology. This is a shallow way of looking at this story however because the killing of the parents is not to encourage or say that children would actually committ murder but rather that the bond between young people and technology is strong and growing stronger and breaking that bond wont be easy.

Like in the Minority Report, The Veldt is about future technology that is invented to do good and make our lives both easier and better however the flaws of that technology are quickly shown when people become to dependent on the technology instead of themselves. It is only after a confrontation occurs with the technology and the people that the problem is truly analyzed and the people become aware of their blind addiction and supressed nature.

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